Index ##### In typical scenario using `class Index` on a `Document` class is sufficient to perform any action. In a few cases though it can be useful to manipulate an Index object directly. To define an Elasticsearch index you must instantiate a ``elasticsearch_dsl.Index`` class and set the name and settings of the index. After you instantiate your class, you need to associate it with the Document you want to put in this Elasticsearch index and also add the `registry.register_document` decorator. .. code-block:: python # from elasticsearch_dsl import Index from django_elasticsearch_dsl import Document from .models import Car, Manufacturer # The name of your index car = Index('cars') # See Elasticsearch Indices API reference for available settings car.settings( number_of_shards=1, number_of_replicas=0 ) @registry.register_document @car.document class CarDocument(Document): class Django: model = Car fields = [ 'name', 'color', ] @registry.register_document class ManufacturerDocument(Document): class Index: name = 'manufacture' settings = {'number_of_shards': 1, 'number_of_replicas': 0} class Django: model = Manufacturer fields = [ 'name', 'country_code', ] When you execute the command:: $ ./ search_index --rebuild This will create two index named ``cars`` and ``manufacture`` in Elasticsearch with appropriate mapping. ** If your model have huge amount of data, its preferred to use `parallel` indexing. To do that, you can pass `--parallel` flag while reindexing or populating. ** Signals ======= * ``django_elasticsearch_dsl.signals.post_index`` Sent after document indexing is completed. (not applicable for ``parallel`` indexing). Provides the following arguments: ``sender`` A subclass of ``django_elasticsearch_dsl.documents.DocType`` used to perform indexing. ``instance`` A ``django_elasticsearch_dsl.documents.DocType`` subclass instance. ``actions`` A generator containing document data that were sent to elasticsearch for indexing. ``response`` The response from ``bulk()`` function of ``elasticsearch-py``, which includes ``success`` count and ``failed`` count or ``error`` list.